Spiritual Lap Dance is a performance by visual artist Per Huttner and choreographer and dancer Carima Neusser. The individual members of the audience are invited one by one to sit on a chair in the virtually empty and dark garage. In the dark there will be loud music, spiritual matters addressed and some dancing. The Performance forms a part of Huttner and Neusser's ongoing investigation into how our lives, technologies, sciences, entertainment and fashion would be different like if humans were endowed with more eyes than the two we currently have. Connected events will be performed in Torrance CA, Mexico City and Sao Paulo in February and March. They collaborate with choreographers, artists and neuroscientists as they travel. For the current event very little of the higher brain functions will be activated.
Spiritual Lap Dance is supported by the Swedish Arts Council and Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse